Thursday, July 2, 2009

Models of Democracy

Models of Democracy; Web Lecture

I found our web lecture for this week to be very interesting (especially the models of democracy). Thanks for making a chart Prof. Cyborg so that I (and the class) could easily see the differences between each model of democracy. I think at my job I see three models of democracy performed: Procedural, Participatory,and Dialogic. Procedural democracy is important to our company because we do enforce standard procedures and rules daily. Participatory democracy occurs most with the managerial staff with informed discussions about the business. And dialogic democracy occurs between a staff member and a manager. The manager shows concern for the employees emotions and concerns and will listen to them in the appropriate time.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought that the various types of democracy were interesting to see laid out, because I think everyone has been a part of each type of democracy throughout their lives. I personally find that a lot of participatory democracy takes place at my job because our company is organized into teams. Each day I have discussions with my teams about how we are going to proceed with that particular client account, and everyone is expected to join in and discuss the business model.
