Thursday, July 2, 2009

Models of Democracy

Models of Democracy; Web Lecture

I found our web lecture for this week to be very interesting (especially the models of democracy). Thanks for making a chart Prof. Cyborg so that I (and the class) could easily see the differences between each model of democracy. I think at my job I see three models of democracy performed: Procedural, Participatory,and Dialogic. Procedural democracy is important to our company because we do enforce standard procedures and rules daily. Participatory democracy occurs most with the managerial staff with informed discussions about the business. And dialogic democracy occurs between a staff member and a manager. The manager shows concern for the employees emotions and concerns and will listen to them in the appropriate time.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mindless Communication

Mindless Communication; Ch. 11; page 344-345

I would say that when I partake in mindless conversations they tend to be phatic communications rather than scripted. I have mindless conversations with customers all the time to have them feel that I am interested in what they are saying. Most of the time, I'm not interested. I simply let them I guess let them release their story they have been wanting to tell someone. Rather than being rude, I don't interrupt them and let them say what they want to say. My way of letting them know I'm listening is something subtle like nodding or smiling. It does however surprise me sometimes what people are willing to divulge to a stranger. Sometimes the conversation will be a form of nagging about their spouse (which are usually pretty funny). I know I wouldn't say some of the stuff I hear while I'm helping a customer with their purchase.